At St. Johns we consider pastoral care and outreach to be an important part of our mission. In addition to our staff team, we have a network of people who offer practical care and support, emergency assistance as required, visiting of the lonely or those whose circumstances prevent them from leaving home very often, keeping in contact by visits or telephone and transport to medical appointments etc.

Initial contact for those in need should be either through the Administrator at the office (534 2305), or direct to the Minister (534 2305).

You can also email the Minister directly at

Prayer Ministry

We believe that our life and ministry at St. Johns must be based on prayer and we see God at work building and guiding our church life as we pray.

  • Prayer ministry is available after each service.
  • Each Tuesday and Thursday (12.30-1.30pm) a group of people meet in the chapel to pray for the parish and for the needs of persons or situations as requested.
  • Any are welcome to join in this time of prayer. Particular prayer requests can be made either by phoning the Administrator or the Minister at the office (534 2305).
  • A prayer chain is available for emergency needs.