Morning Worship Service
Sunday 9:30am
Holy Communion is celebrated on the first, third and fifth Sundays. All are invited to join us after the service for morning tea.
All who are baptised are welcome at the Lord’s Table including children. Our practice of communion is that we come forward to the Altar / Communion rail to receive communion. There are 4 Sunday exceptions to this practice which reflect our Presbyterian traditions. So 4 times a year our church leaders serve communion to the people who remain seated to receive communion.
We offer a course of teaching for children and Admission to the Lord’s Supper on an annual basis. However, we do accept children receiving the Communion before this has happened.
Both grape juice and wine are offered at Communion, reflecting our combined denominational traditions.
(During lockdown restrictions you can join us on a Sunday Morning at 9:30am via Zoom )
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Meeting ID: 989 554 8740
Passcode: 7777777